Friday, February 24, 2012

"Captivating" Chapter 4

I posted last time about a book I'm reading with my small group, "Captivating", and had such a great response. My small group asked that I continue blogging about my thoughts & discoveries on this book. So, on one hand I am flattered. However, I am also terrified. My life hasn't been simple and for me in my reality.. it hasn't been easy. My biggest fear is that someone will assume I am pointing fingers or placing blame.. but that is NOT my agenda in any way. I feel called to do this, and so I shall. My disclaimer is that if you're reading this please understand that my heart is not to condemn, but to share my experience. The Holy Spirit has taught me when my parents could not and God did allow things to happen in my life that were painful. Through those experiences, however, I am seeing that God is using me and allowing me to help others. That being said.. let's dive in!

This chapter is titled "Wounded" and wow it brings up many wounds and I felt like I identified with many of them. I want to share quotes with you that stuck out to me. I am also sharing with you some of my testimony and how I identified with the readings of this chapter.

"Every little girl should be so loved, so welcomed--seen, known, treasured. From this place she can become a strong and beautiful and confident woman. If only that was how it was for all of us."

"If a woman is comfortable with her own femininity, her beauty, her strength, then the chances are good that her daughter will be too." Wow-- if this isn't my prayer.. I don't know what is!

I love this one-- "Our mothers show us the merciful face of God." That's beautiful, right? I will admit that I often felt as if I wasn't shown mercy or grace very often. I have to say that I clung to God as a child. I knew perfection lay with Him and I so wanted that. When I felt taunted by others or teased.. I would think.. "One day God will show them. One day they will see what they have done." Strange, I know.. but true. It was my coping mechanism.

"But as for our Question (The one each little girl asks, "Am I lovely?")- that is primarily answered by our fathers." Interesting!! As a young child my relationship with my dad was good. He did things with me and I did feel treasured by him. As a young teenager I was totally put on his backburner and as an older teenager was disowned by him and threatened to be removed from his will. That scarred me for many years. "How a father relates to his daughter has an enormous effect on her soul-- for good or for evil." I can praise God now that although our relationship isn't what I wish it was.. we have a good relationship. I will be grateful for what I have.

Now we're venturing into part of the book where examples are given of woundedness. As the stories unfold this quote definitely struck me, "the reason there are so many struggling women is because there were SO many wounded girls."  Parents don't realize how their actions & their words truly scar or uphold the self-worth of their children. I am guilty of cutting down my children. It is only a fraction of a second when I've realized what I have done and the wound is deeply set within their eyes. I ALWAYS go to them, hug them, and beg their forgiveness. I know what it's like to have wounds cut deep within me. I am not immune to causing them either. I am, however, held accountable for what I do once I realize what I have done. The Holy Spirit reveals such things to you if you are quiet enough to hear His voice! My children have received my harsh words before, but praise God they have also received my humility and my willingness to go to them and ask forgiveness. It teaches them that I am not perfect. It teaches them that I am a sinner too. It teaches them to forgive. It also teaches them that when they do wrong, they can come ask forgiveness from us as parents. I try very hard to extend the same grace to them as they (as children) have so often extend to me.  Matthew 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

"Take a deep look into the eyes of anyone and behind the smile or the fear, you will find pain. And most people are in more pain than even they realize."  Wow, if that's not true! When I received counseling over two years ago. I walked in with my smile plastered upon my face. That's what I always did. I often felt like I was acting. I was good at it too. My counselor shared something with me a year or more later as I was beginning to truly experience healing.. and my smiles were real and genuine. She told me she saw the look in my eyes when I walked in after first meeting her and she saw very deep pain. She knew my smile was only an act. I don't know if others saw it or not.. she had been in counseling many years and she knew that kind of pain. Maybe I wasn't fooling anyone, but myself? I'm glad that my smiles are now genuine.. usually, ha!

"Sorrow is not a stranger to any of us, though only a few have learned that it is not our enemy either. Because we are the ones loved by God, the King of kings, Jesus himself, who came to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free (Isaiah 61)." We are set apart.. we are His beloved!! I praise God that when my life is stressful and heartache is prevalent He holds me and He can heal me! True healing can only come from Him!

As the book reads on we explore the life of a little girl named Debbie (not me, although I identified heavily with her!) Her father had an affair when she was young. He wasn't abusive or violent. He was kind to her mom & sisters. They were a church going family. Debbie felt that her mom & her family weren't "enough" to keep her father. "Affairs and divorces strike at a woman's worst fear- abandonment. They wound, not just the mothers, but the daughters as well."  I remember after my dad moved out (after his 2nd affair) and my mom was hurting and we were crying and we were all fighting. She said, "You will always have your daddy. I will never have my husband." I know her heart was aching, but I felt abandoned by her at that point too. I wanted to be held and reassured and I felt so alone. I would struggle with abandonment for many, many years. I felt that I had to control myself enough to try to keep myself from being abandoned. This became a pivotal point when my perfectionism began taking a life of it's own. If I didn't meet the standard of what I felt like perfection should be.. I was in shambles. Simple tasks like carrying laundry. If something fell out of the basket-- I lost it. I felt like I couldn't even carry laundry right. I was on eggshells-- within myself. I was miserable. I didn't dare let on that I was in this turmoil though.. because that would further the argument that I wasn't perfect. So instead just like Debbie felt, "Hide your vulnerability, Hide your heart. You aren't safe." I didn't feel safe with anyone, and if I did try to be.. in their human nature they would let me down and then I felt even more abandoned.

Now Stasi (a co-author of the book) speaks of her childhood. A mother whose sole attention was herself. Stasi writes, "When I was young I had to pretend to be sick in order to get a morsel of her attention." It's funny.. I remember pretending to be sick often. I also remember if I was a little sick I made it much worse in order to prolong my "sickness" in order to get more attention. I was told once, "You are baby-ed too much when you're sick. I think you like being sick for that reason. I guess that's my fault for giving you too much attention when you're sick." My question was, "Why couldn't you just give me more attention?" It was something that hit me at the core of my being, but I couldn't quite understand why it haunted me so badly. As I read this book, I realize I just wanted my question ("Am I lovely?") to be answered.. with a yes.

So what lessons did I learn as a little girl? I often felt like I was a waitress. That may seem silly. I was to have coffee made at all times for my dad. If my mom wanted something to drink, then I was to get it for her. If the dogs needed to be let outside (off the kitchen)- even if an adult was in the kitchen.. I would be called into the kitchen to do so. We (my sister & I) kept our home clean.. very clean. We had many chores as both of our parents worked. The good news is that even though my house may not look it.. I know how to keep a clean home, lol. I often felt that my actions were an equal measure of love. If I did the dishes, but forgot to do something that accompanied the cleanliness of the kitchen, then I was only told what I did wrong. I rarely remember being shown gratefulness for what I had done. So I felt like I was only loved when I was "perfect" which further led to my desire to strive for perfection. 

If I was asked to do something I didn't want to do and I said "no", then my love was questioned. "Don't you love me?" I felt like I couldn't have an opinion, because if it was the wrong one or not the same as the adults around me.. then I might not love them. That would hurt them, and I didn't want to hurt them. So I would strive to be pleasing by picking the opinion they wanted and hope that I got it right-- all the while losing my own identity as to what I liked or enjoyed or wanted to do. "The damage done to our feminine hearts through the wounds we received is made much worse by the horrible things we believe about ourselves as a result." 

Stasi writes that as a child we don't understand how to sort through the emotions we feel. Our parents know everything. "We believed them to be right. If we were overwhelmed or belittled or hurt or abused, we believed that somehow it was because of us- the problem was with us." This was true for me. I felt like I couldn't say the right thing or do the right thing. So I strived a little harder to be perfect. 

"What makes her search so frustrating is that she doesn't know what IS wrong with her. She simply fears that somehow she is not enough." 

"We can't help but believe that if we were different, if we were BETTER, then we would have been loved as we so longed to be. It must be us." -Lies from Satan himself.

"The vows we make as children are very understandable- and very, very damaging. They shut our hearts down." My vows were that I could be perfect.. and only then I could be lovely and worthy.. and acceptable. I would vow to not hurt anyone on purpose and to make sure what I said was the "right" thing.

"Somewhere in my young heart, without even knowing I was doing it or putting words to it, I vowed to protect myself by never causing pain, never requiring attention." It's so interesting as I read this, because this was me! As I worked on boundaries in my counseling I would share situations with her. She would give me ideas about how to set a boundary. I would reply, "Oh I could never say that!" She would ask, "Why not?" My answer, "Because I would hurt their feelings." 

It took MONTHS (and I'm still a work in progress) to understand that by someone crossing my boundary they are hurting my feelings. My feelings are not invalidated! I have been so hurt & wounded by others that I would go to any cost at all to make sure I didn't cause the same pain in someone else. But the truth of the matter is.. we are human. We will cause other people pain. But where is our heart in that? Is it malicious? My heart wasn't malicious.. I had to trust that if someone's feelings are hurt.. it is their feelings to feel- not mine. They were allowed to feel hurt and if I was in the wrong then I should apologize. However, if I am setting a boundary to protect myself and I inadvertently hurt their feelings I have no reason to apologize. My heart wasn't in the wrong place-- my heart was pure. Their hurt feelings are theirs to work through.. not for me to work through.

So where I was: Stasi puts it beautifully, "We know we are not all that we long to be, all that God longs for us to be, but instead of coming up for grace-filled air and asking God what he thinks of us, shame keeps us pinned down and gasping, believing that we deserve to suffocate." This was definitely me..especially with my vows of perfectionism.

I praise God that through brokenness I have experienced God has redeemed me. He has restored me! Praise God that my mission in life is no longer to be perfect! I am only a forgiven sinner who has been saved and redeemed by the grace of God!! It took many tears, a long journey, and heaps and heaps of grace.. but God can restore our brokenness. He is Jehova Rapha- the Ultimate Healer! I share my story because many have shared with me their brokenness. Some have shared with me that they are hurting. I share my story not to say my parents were horrible parents-- they did the best they could. I share my story because 1) God is telling me to 2) I want to inspire you to know we serve a God who heals & redeems. Take your problems and go to the cross of Jesus. Rest at His feet. Weep and cry, kick and scream. Do what you have to do to release the pain of your past. Then allow the anointing of the Holy Spirit to wash over you, cleanse you, and heal your broken heart. He will do it. He is faithful and full of mercy & grace!

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 61:10 "I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness."  He will clothe you in salvation and drape you in righteousness too.. if you will allow Him to!

I shared this with some friends tonight and I will close with it now. I heard a pastor say one time that the hike up a mountain must be rocky in order to reach the top. If the mountain was slick and smooth you could never make it.

Let me also say that I, in no way, have it all together now. Just today I called my very dear counselor who is more a friend & mentor now than a counselor. So please don't believe that I have no more problems. I am just covered in His grace now and I have given myself permission to know that I am okay and I do not have to be perfect. As I shared with my small group last Wednesday... We all have unique gifts to offer and it's our obedience to Christ that allows us to offer them to others. I am feeling more and more like this is my gift.. so I am here to offer it to you. Only because Jesus gave it to me and it really belongs to Him!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


This is the book I am reading with a new small group at church. It has been truly "Captivating" to me and I'm only in the 2nd chapter. There is much to be learned here as a woman. There is much to be absorbed and much to be changed!

The books begins with Eve. There are so many "captivating" things about Eve, as a Woman, that I never even thought of before! For one, let's think about creation. God created ALL that's in this world and then said, "It is good!" He created man in His image and it was good. But it wasn't enough. The world wasn't enough until He created woman. The God of the Universe didn't feel that His creation was enough.. until He created a woman? Wow! 

So many women feel the need to stand up and say, "I'm a woman.. I deserve this. I deserve that. I AM this. I AM NOT that." On and on it goes. However, do we really need to do this? Do we need to be such hard core feminists in order to feel that we have meaning? I say to you lovingly, no we do not. Because if the God of the Universe didn't think His creation was perfect & complete until we, as women, were created.. then that means.. we have great reason for being here on this Earth! It's not about claiming what we think we deserve. It's about basking in the love of God and realizing how much we mean to Him! Once we were created.. THEN, the world was perfect and complete!

 Now, I'll let you in on my own dirty secrets. I have struggled, I mean really struggled for over a year now with my weight and my body. Before I fell and sustained a severe injury to my pelvis, hip, lower back, and coccyx I was running about 3 miles a day. Now, to the marathoners out there that's nothing, but for me who was just getting in to running.. I was excited and pumped!! After my injury, I was advised no more running (for now) and I was a little devastated. Why? Because I began to gain the weight. Not just a lb or two.. but all the muscle I had worked so hard for in the gym-- pushing myself to great limits and seeing nice results.. were diminishing to flab. I found myself to be disgusting. That's just the truth of it.  I don't like saying it's true, but it is true and I'm all about being real, so let's get real! :c)

I am doing better with this struggle. Thankfully, I have a husband who is loving to me no matter what and I am so thankful for this. I know not all women are blessed with such grace and unconditional love. This book touches on these subjects in subtle ways that really spoke to the depths of my being.  So here are a few quotes that I found "captivating"!

"An external beauty without a depth of character is not true beauty at all."

"Sometimes the beauty [of God's creation] is so deep it pierces us with longing. For life as it was meant to be. Beauty reminds us of Eden we have never known, but somehow our hearts were created for. Beauty speaks of heaven to come, when all shall be beautiful.. All these things are true for any experience of Beauty. But they are especially true when we experience the beauty of a woman-- her eyes, her form, her voice, her heart, her spirit, her life. She speaks all of this far more profoundly than anything else in creation, because she is incarnate; she is personal." Translation: We are much more than beauty that is skin deep.

"A woman knows, down in her soul, that she longs to bring beauty to the world. She might be mistaken on how (something every woman struggles with), but she longs for a beauty to unveil." Translation: We ALL struggle! I'm not alone in this battle.

"Beauty is an essence that is given to every woman at her creation."

"A woman is not prized only for her good looks. We do not say a woman is here merely to complete a man, and therefore a single woman is somehow missing her destiny. We say that Eve is the crown of creation." -Paraphrased

"We struggle to know if we matter at all. If we are at home, we feel ashamed we don't have a 'real life' in the outside world. We are swallowed by laundry. If we have a career, we feel as though we are missing out on more important matters like marriage and children. We are swallowed by meetings." Translation: We all struggle with wishing we were doing or being something else.

"Nearly all a woman does in her adult life is fueled by her longing to be delighted in, her longing to be beautiful, to be irreplaceable to have her Question (Am I lovely?) be answered, 'Yes!'" - Paraphrased

You see? We all struggle.. and I identify with so many of these! Do you? How thankful I am that God loves us women.. flaws & all! He created us this way. It wasn't that He created our face and said, "Now her face is perfect!" He didn't just create her body and say, "That is one perfect body!" He didn't just create her and say that her hair looked great! NO... He created her.. the emotional, loving, tender, and beautiful woman that He made her to be. He saw all of her and it was then that He knew His creation.. His entire creation of what He wanted a Woman to be.. was complete. 

In the book, "Captivating" it reads, "She is the crescendo, the final, astonishing work of God. Woman. In one last flourish creation comes to a finish with Eve. She is the Master's finishing touch."  I love that!!

Now, I am in no way diminishing that men hold a dear place in the heart of God. They have a great role of great importance! I just think that we, as women, need to wake up out of our fog, be bold & courageous, and claim the truths of God in our lives! We were created for a great purpose defined by the love of Almighty God and because of a woman the Creator said creation was then perfect! We are not just what we look like.. we are who God made us to be! We are beautiful, a true masterpiece, we are "captivating"!

Micah 6:8 came to my mind tonight and I will end with it!
"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Looking Back.. Looking Forward

I have not been very diligent about posting! The greatest and latest news is the fact that Andy got a promotion at his work! Since his lay off 3 years ago we have truly struggled. God has been so faithful to us though! About 2 years ago, In addition to serving the Lord at church Andy got on at Target as a flow team member. Which means he worked 3 days a week from 4-9:30am. He did this for over a year. He liked working at Target, but I must admit that I was quite frustrated with only 15 hours a week. I made up for the rest with different job likes Petsitting, Babysitting, & working retail.  Honestly, it was exhausting. 

Then about 6 months ago Andy was promoted to Brand Specialist in the shoe department. It wasn't a pay raise, but it was a guaranteed 36 hours a week. Praise the Lord.. that was such a blessing!! As I began thinking about all the wonderful blessings that would come with steadier money I was quite surprised to find that we didn't have ANY extra money. I asked Andy about this to which he replied, "No you don't understand... we can pay our bills now." Well, while I'm thankful we then had the money to pay our bills.. I was disappointed. I was looking forward to Chickfila and bounce house playdates! lol

In October, I joined the Pampered Chef! It's been a total blessing for me! I love to cook and to be paid to cook is even better!! I also love meeting new people and that's always fun to me too!! Not to mention, I have gotten tons of free stuff just for being a consultant and meeting sales goals!! God has been really faithful through my new business and as long as the Lord so chooses.. I'm grateful for His blessings on my Pampered Chef. We now had some extra money... and while it's not a ton.. it has allowed for some playdates and we're working to pay off our credit card!

Then, we have been waiting for a month now as there has been talk at Target about promotions. Andy had done all the interviews and we had been waiting and waiting to see if he got the position. Praise the Lord, we found out that he did get the job!! Which comes with a pay raise! He is now a CTL which is a Consumables Team Leader. He is under direct management and over the Food & Perishables at Target. I'm so thankful for this, because he will know the good deals for food each week, ha! If you know me.. I coupon & love good food deals!

I'm all about sharing my struggles and being real. I think we need to be more real with others and less fake, because we are all in this world together.. we're all struggling through Life in one way or another. Life isn't easy and nothing is trustworthy, but I serve a God who is!! I give Him all the glory for the last 3 years when we didn't know how we would buy groceries and He provided. Or when Andy was laid off.. I was still in pain from my difficult c-section and couldn't go back to work yet and Elijah was only 4 months old and Lydia had just turned 2 years old. We didn't know where we would get money to buy diapers (both in diapers) or have health insurance. But God always provided for us. Times were tough and resources were low, but God was faithful and we never went without! I am so thankful for God's provisions and as I think about this year ahead I am excited to see God working in us. He has been blessing us in abundant ways and I am SO grateful!!

My back is healing (finally! hehe) and although I still have some pain, it is definitely not where I was at last year. Last year at this time I was nearly bedridden and could hardly walk from the severity of my injury. Now, I can walk a normal (slower) pace and am back to normal life. I have to be careful and not twist or walk too fast. Extra movements do cause more pain, but as long as I am cautious I am doing great!! I praise God for that!!

If you are struggling in life whether it's physically, emotionally, or fiscally... let me be an encouragement to you that our God is so faithful in ALL things and when you don't know how you will continue on... go to the Lord. He will carry you through!

Psalm 16:11 "You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your 

right hand are pleasures forevermore."