Saturday, August 4, 2012

Following My Miscarriage

It's been 8 days past my miscarriage on Friday, July 27th. I just want to share an update with how I'm feeling. I must say this whole thing has really rocked my world...

Physically- I never realized the physical toll that miscarriage takes on one's body. Not many people talk about the affects of their miscarriage and it has been really eye opening to me what a body goes through. I'm still dealing with pain.. ligament, maybe? It feels similar to pregnancy round ligament pain.. you know on the sides of your pelvis in your lower abdomen?! It's definitely not bone pain (I know bone pain in the pelvis) it feels like ligament, tendon, or maybe muscle pain?! I have talked to a few people that say this is normal as your body returns to it's previous state. I am still dealing with waves of nausea, being tired, and food aversions/cravings too... I guess my hormones are still working their way back to normal as well.

Emotionally- I honestly feel like I'm slipping into a bit of a depression. I don't want to leave my house, unless I have to! I don't want to do anything.. I just want to sit and read or watch tv. I want to do nothing. Which is not conducive to this Homeschooling Mom of 2 who sells Pampered Chef!

I also struggle with "Maybe I didn't really miscarry... Maybe I'm still pregnant?" It's hard to keep myself in reality when  my body is still fighting itself back to normalcy. I am praying for peace each day and for strength!! I praise the Lord as so many people have surrounded me in prayers!! I know it's only from their prayers that I haven't slipped worse into depression.

I know that I can get pregnant again one day (if it's God's will) but I am still sad over my loss. I am tired of feeling physically like I've been hit by a truck. I wake up some mornings and think I've been hit by a semi. Other mornings I wake up and tell Andy I feel like I've been hit by a regular truck.. either way I don't normally wake up feeling well. Which I hate, because that's not the kind of person I am.

So for now.. I wait on the Lord for my strength, for my courage, for my comfort, for my healing. He is faithful and I know it's through Him only that I truly find healing and restoration. In the meantime, pray for my hubby, Andy, too.. I know I've not been easy to live with through this..

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